MODAL - 2013
Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Christophe Biernacki (head of the M2 Ingénierie Statistique et Numérique http://mathematiques.univ-lille1.fr/Formation/ ):

    • Master 1st year: Mathematical statistics, 60h, coaching project, 10h, M1, U. Lille 1, France

    • Master 2nd year: Data analysis, 97.5h, Analysis of variance and experimental design, 22.5h, coaching internship, 20h, M2, U. Lille 1, France

  • Alain Celisse (6 month delegation at Inria):

    • Licence 1st and 2nd year: (96h) Computer Science departement in IUT A, Univ. Lille 1

    • Master 2nd year: Statistical theory (30h) to Applied Mathematics students.

  • Sophie Dabo-Niang:

    • Master MIASHS (Mathématiques, Informatique appliquées aux SHS),

    • Master of Statistics of university Gaston Berger (Senegal).

  • Serge Iovleff (6 month delegation at Inria):

    • Markov chain theory, Algebra, graphs, languages and automate theory (  120h).

  • Julien Jacques:

    • Licence 3rd year: Statistique Inférentielle, 50h, École Polytechnique Universitaire de Lille, U. Lille 1,France

    • Master 1st year: Statistique Exploratoire, 40h, École Polytechnique Universitaire de Lille, U. Lille 1,France

    • Master 1st year: Modélisation Statistique, 30h, École Polytechnique Universitaire de Lille, U. Lille 1,France

    • Master 2nd year: Séries Temporelles, 25h, École Polytechnique Universitaire de Lille, U. Lille 1, France.

  • Mathieu Marbac-Lourdelle:

    • Licence: Probabilités, 30h, École Polytechnique Universitaire de Lille, U. Lille 1, France.

    • Licence: Statistiques, 34h, École Polytechnique Universitaire de Lille, U. Lille 1, France.

  • Guillemette Marot:

    • Licence: Biostatistics, 12h,PACES (équivalent L1), U. Lille 2, France

    • Master : Biostatistics, 45h, M1, U. Lille 2, France

    • Formation permanente: Data Analysis with R, 12h, U. Lille 2, France

    • Master: Internships, 15h, M1, U. Lille 2, France.


  • Alain Celisse is co-supervising the Ph.D. theses of Jérémie Kellner and Quentin Grimonprez respectively with Christophe Biernacki and with Julien Jacques and Guillemette Marot.

  • Christophe Biernacki supervises Clément Thery and co-supervises Loic Yengo, Matthieu Marbac-Lourdelle and Jérémie Kellner.

  • Sophie Dabo-Niang supervises:

    • Aladji BASSENE, until 2011. Co-tutelle with Aliou Diop (University Gaston Berger, Senegal)

    • Stéphane BOUKA, until 2012 : Co-tutelle with Guy Martial Nkiet, University of FranceVille, Gabon)

    • Emad Aldeen DRWESH, until 2012 : co-direction with Jerôme Foncel (Lille 3)

    • Camille TERNYNCK, until 2011 :co-direction with Anne-Françoise Yao et Fateh Chebana

    • Mohamed YAHAYA, until 2012 : co-direction with Aboubacar Amiri (Lille 3)

    • Mohamed Ould Yehdhih, until 2013 : Co-tutelle with Aliou Diop (University Gaston Berger,

    • Senegal) and Mohamed Attouch (University Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria).

  • Serge Iovleff has supervised a software development engineer (Parmeet Bathia).

  • Julien Jacques is supervizing Julie Hamon who passed her Ph.D. in November, 26th, 2013. He also co-advised Quentin Grimonprez (co-supervision with Guillemette Marot and Alain Celisse) and Florence Loingeville (co-supervision with Cristian Preda) from 2013.

  • Guillemette Marot co-supervised (with Alain Celisse) a one-year engineer Morgane Pierre-Jean, who worked on change point detection with kernel methods for genomic data. She also supervised Quentin Grimonprez (ADT MPAGenomics until october 2013 then PhD) and Samuel Blanck (ADT MPAGenomics from 2013).


  • Alain Celisse was a jury member (examinator) at the Ph.D. defense of Van Hahn NGUYEN (Paris-Sud 11) and during the CR2 INRA competition.

  • Christophe Biernacki participated to 7 PhD juries in 2013 (1 as an opponent, 5 as a reviewer, 1 as an examinator).

  • Sophie Dabo-Niang was in the PhD jury of Karima Kimouche (University of Constantine; June 2013), Ibrahim Sidi Zakari (University of Marrakesh, June 2013) Van Ly Tran (University of Orleans, December, 12, 2013) Aubin N'dri Yao (University of Abidjan, July, 2013).

  • Guillemette Marot was a jury member for the CR2 Inria 2013 competition.